Corinthia Hotels

Corinthia Hotels offers luxury accommodation in Europe and Africa including London, Budapest, Lisbon and Malta. Each hotel has an outstanding standard with excellent dining, service and spa facilities.

Corinthia Hotels promo code & discount offers for 2024/2025
Corinthia Hotels promo code & discount offers for 2024/2025

Top Corinthia Hotels deals & promo codes

Save on stays at Corinthia Hotels across Europe and Africa in 2024/2025 with the latest special offers and promotional deals including advanced booking discounts, extra night offers.

  • Save 30% on hotels for family rooms at the Corinthia
  • Stay in 2 adjoining rooms with breakfast included
  • Enjoy children entertainment to help you relax
  • Save with top deals & offers with Corinthia Hotels
  • Filter offers by hotel location, offer type & hotel
  • Including discounts, free extra night & more

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About Corinthia Hotels

Founded in 1962 in Malta, Corinthia Hotels* now operates nine, soon to be 15, properties across Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Hotels can be found in convienent city centre or coastal locations.

Corinthia London, Whitehall Place, SW1A 2BD
Corinthia London, Whitehall Place, SW1A 2BD © Corinthia Hotels

The Corinthia Discovery Loyalty* program offers frequent travellers additional perks such as flexible check in/out times, room upgrades, local experiences & gifts, and 10% discount on room rates.

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Corinthia Hotels operate nine properties across Europe and Africa with the Corinthia London* located on the River Thames. There are also two hotels on Malta, one in St George's Bay* and the other in San Anton*.

  • London, UK
  • Prague, Czech Republic
  • Budapest, Hungary
  • St George's Bay, Malta
  • San Anton, Malta
  • Lisbon, Portugal
  • St Petersburg, Russia
  • Tripoli, Libya
  • Khartoum, Sudan

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Corinthia St George's Bay, Malta
Corinthia St George's Bay, Malta © Corinthia Hotels

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New hotels opening soon

Another six hotels are due to open soon to add to the Corinthia Hotels collection including their first two hotels located in the Middle East - in Doha and Dubai and four more hotels coming in Europe.

  • Doha, Qatar
  • Dubai, UAE
  • Rome, Italy
  • Brussels, Belgium
  • Bucharest, Romania
  • Moscow, Russia

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Colin Carter

Colin Carter

Updated on Saturday 28th September 2024

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