Hong Kong weather by month

Check out Hong Kong weather averages by month. Compare detailed monthly climate statistics including temperature, rainfall and sunshine figures.

Temperature in Hong Kong (°F)

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Max temperature (daytime)
64°F maximum daytime temperature in January in Hong Kong64
66°F maximum daytime temperature in February in Hong Kong66
70°F maximum daytime temperature in March in Hong Kong70
77°F maximum daytime temperature in April in Hong Kong77
82°F maximum daytime temperature in May in Hong Kong82
86°F maximum daytime temperature in June in Hong Kong86
88°F maximum daytime temperature in July in Hong Kong88
88°F maximum daytime temperature in August in Hong Kong88
86°F maximum daytime temperature in September in Hong Kong86
82°F maximum daytime temperature in October in Hong Kong82
75°F maximum daytime temperature in November in Hong Kong75
68°F maximum daytime temperature in December in Hong Kong68
Min temperature (night-time)
55°F minimum night-time temperature in January in Hong Kong55
57°F minimum night-time temperature in February in Hong Kong57
61°F minimum night-time temperature in March in Hong Kong61
68°F minimum night-time temperature in April in Hong Kong68
75°F minimum night-time temperature in May in Hong Kong75
79°F minimum night-time temperature in June in Hong Kong79
79°F minimum night-time temperature in July in Hong Kong79
79°F minimum night-time temperature in August in Hong Kong79
77°F minimum night-time temperature in September in Hong Kong77
73°F minimum night-time temperature in October in Hong Kong73
66°F minimum night-time temperature in November in Hong Kong66
59°F minimum night-time temperature in December in Hong Kong59
Heat & Humidity
No heat & humidity in January in Hong Kong0
No heat & humidity in February in Hong Kong0
No heat & humidity in March in Hong Kong0
No heat & humidity in April in Hong Kong0
Moderate heat & humidity in May in Hong KongM
High heat & humidity in June in Hong KongH
Very high heat & humidity in July in Hong KongVH
Very high heat & humidity in August in Hong KongVH
High heat & humidity in September in Hong KongH
Moderate heat & humidity in October in Hong KongM
No heat & humidity in November in Hong Kong0
No heat & humidity in December in Hong Kong0
Sea temperature
66°F sea temperature in January in Hong Kong66
66°F sea temperature in February in Hong Kong66
70°F sea temperature in March in Hong Kong70
72°F sea temperature in April in Hong Kong72
77°F sea temperature in May in Hong Kong77
82°F sea temperature in June in Hong Kong82
82°F sea temperature in July in Hong Kong82
82°F sea temperature in August in Hong Kong82
82°F sea temperature in September in Hong Kong82
79°F sea temperature in October in Hong Kong79
73°F sea temperature in November in Hong Kong73
68°F sea temperature in December in Hong Kong68

Note: 0 = None, L = Low, M = Moderate, H = High, VH = Very high, E = Extreme

Sunshine & Daylight in Hong Kong

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Daily hours of sunshine
Daily hours of daylight
11 hours of daylight per day in January in Hong Kong11
11 hours of daylight per day in February in Hong Kong11
12 hours of daylight per day in March in Hong Kong12
13 hours of daylight per day in April in Hong Kong13
13 hours of daylight per day in May in Hong Kong13
13 hours of daylight per day in June in Hong Kong13
13 hours of daylight per day in July in Hong Kong13
13 hours of daylight per day in August in Hong Kong13
12 hours of daylight per day in September in Hong Kong12
12 hours of daylight per day in October in Hong Kong12
11 hours of daylight per day in November in Hong Kong11
11 hours of daylight per day in December in Hong Kong11
UV Index (Maximum)
UV (maximum) index 7 (High) in January in Hong Kong7
UV (maximum) index 9 (Very High) in February in Hong Kong9
UV (maximum) index 11 (Extreme) in March in Hong Kong11
UV (maximum) index 11+ (Extreme) in April in Hong Kong11
UV (maximum) index 11+ (Extreme) in May in Hong Kong11
UV (maximum) index 11+ (Extreme) in June in Hong Kong11
UV (maximum) index 11+ (Extreme) in July in Hong Kong11
UV (maximum) index 11+ (Extreme) in August in Hong Kong11
UV (maximum) index 11 (Extreme) in September in Hong Kong11
UV (maximum) index 9 (Very High) in October in Hong Kong9
UV (maximum) index 7 (High) in November in Hong Kong7
UV (maximum) index 7 (High) in December in Hong Kong7

Rainfall in Hong Kong

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Number of days with some rain
6 days with some rainfall in January in Hong Kong6
9 days with some rainfall in February in Hong Kong9
10 days with some rainfall in March in Hong Kong10
11 days with some rainfall in April in Hong Kong11
15 days with some rainfall in May in Hong Kong15
19 days with some rainfall in June in Hong Kong19
17 days with some rainfall in July in Hong Kong17
17 days with some rainfall in August in Hong Kong17
14 days with some rainfall in September in Hong Kong14
8 days with some rainfall in October in Hong Kong8
6 days with some rainfall in November in Hong Kong6
4 days with some rainfall in December in Hong Kong4
Average monthly rainfall (inches)
1.0 inches monthly rainfall in January in Hong Kong1.0
1.9 inches monthly rainfall in February in Hong Kong1.9
2.9 inches monthly rainfall in March in Hong Kong2.9
6.3 inches monthly rainfall in April in Hong Kong6.3
11.7 inches monthly rainfall in May in Hong Kong11.7
14.4 inches monthly rainfall in June in Hong Kong14.4
12.8 inches monthly rainfall in July in Hong Kong12.8
14.8 inches monthly rainfall in August in Hong Kong14.8
10.0 inches monthly rainfall in September in Hong Kong10.0
5.1 inches monthly rainfall in October in Hong Kong5.1
1.4 inches monthly rainfall in November in Hong Kong1.4
1.1 inches monthly rainfall in December in Hong Kong1.1

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Hong Kong by month

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

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The climate guide for Hong Kong shows long term monthly weather averages processed from data supplied by CRU (University of East Anglia), the Met Office & the Netherlands Meteorological Institute. Find out more about our data sources.

What's the climate like in Hong Kong?

Hong Kong has a temperate climate with hot summers and dry winters.

Metric (°C)  |  Imperial (°F)

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Hong Kong climate overview

Perched on the south coast of China in the Pearl River estuary lies the bustling city-state of Hong Kong with its atmospheric mix of oriental and western consumerism, and its towering skyscrapers. Once a colonial outpost of empire Hong Kong now falls within the jurisdiction of Beijing, but is still very much the international centre of Asia.

Hong Kong consists of a mainland peninsula and hundreds of islands. It is remarkably mountainous with several peaks over 800 metres (2,600 ft). Urban districts are densely populated but there are also significant areas of countryside, much of it now protected from development.

Before the arrival of the British in the mid nineteenth century the whole region had been largely deforested leaving bare hillsides which are still visible in places where replanting has not taken place. The mountains are largely volcanic with outcrops of granite on many slopes.

Lying just within the tropics Hong Kong experiences four distinct seasons. The climate is influenced in winter by the north-east monsoon and in summer by the south-west monsoon. Summers are hot and humid with a rainy season running from May to August and rainfall most persistent in May and June.

Winters are relatively dry with occasional windy cold spells as chilly air sweeps down from northern China. The months from February to April are particularly prone to low cloud, drizzle, and hill fog, and there is also a risk of typhoons from July to September.

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Compare Hong Kong with the UK

Below the Hong Kong chart shows average maximum daytime temperature for Hong Kong and the UK (London).

Maximum daytime temperature (°F)

Hong Kong
UK (London)

Metric (°C)  |  Imperial (°F)

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